I couldn't figure out how to get the picture, but it's very pretty. So pretty Missy tagged me for a Kreativ Blogger award (hee, that's funny since I rarely blog anymore.) but anyway.
Here's the deal... when you receive this award you have to list 7 things you love and pass it on to seven bloggers you deem worthy. Don't forget to tag them in your blog so others can see how great they are!!!
1. My family - things are still a little rough in our neck of the woods, but I would never get through them without the silliness of my child and his undyling love and affection, even though he drives me absolutely batshit crazy sometimes....same with the hubby.
2. Music - like Missy, it's eclectic, and my son's new favorite is also Poison, but we predominantly listen to Country.
3. FOOD - I love to eat, which makes it hard to stick to my diet and keep skinny. I haven't exercised in two weeks, my Wii Fit probably forgot who I am. I plan on getting back to it next week.
4. Reading - I read all four Twilight books in about two weeks time. The first one took all of a day, but I was off work and had nothing else to do as we were at doctor appointments with W. Normally time for reading is rare, but I've been trying to make sure I have a little time, as long as I have something to read.
5. Fishing - We've been doing a lot of fishing lately, thanks to a friend we met on Freecycle. Private property, private pond, bass, bluegill, who knows what else. It's been awesome.
6. My radio job - I've rarely been on the air lately, but I'm still getting hours, and I gotta say, I still love doing it. I was finally on air last weekend. Even without some of the great perks I get from time to time, I would love this job.
7. My internet friends - made some great new ones, found some old ones thanks to Facebook. I'm addicted to many things Facebook, embarrassingly so. W hates how much time I spend playing Pirates and Mafia Wars, and the pet society thing. But, it's fun to me, and for me, so I do it anyway.
Okay, not tagging anyone, cause I don't even think I have seven readers, but if you read and decide to do it, link it up, for our reading pleasure.